You can take steps towards connecting with the life and people of Beaumaris Baptist in one of a number of ways, both during the week and on a weekend.
A good starting point is connecting with people of similar age and interest at an activity of the church that takes place. This could be a regular activity like playgroup if you have young children, Anchored Youth activities for young people or golfing group. Or it could be one of the events listed in the ‘Coming up’ sections on the homepage.
We’d also encourage you to come on a Sunday to one of our services as a part of finding and following Jesus with a wider range of people. Our services seek to help everyone, no matter where they are at, find a greater sense of direction and discover more of God’s purposes for their lives.
It is important to go beyond that, however, to share life and faith with others in smaller LIFE groups. This enables questions to be asked and answered, a greater sense of learning and sharing to take place, and people to relate to others in a deeper way than is possible on a Sunday. Here at Beaumaris Baptist Church, there are a range of LIFE groups that meet on various nights during the week, either weekly or fortnightly. You can be a part of a youth life group, a ladies’ or men’s life group, or simply one that is made up of a mix of people across the ages.
It’s our experience that people develop a greater sense of connection when they have an active part to play. It is also a part of being a follower of Jesus. That is why a key focus of Beaumaris Baptist Church is to facilitate a process where you ‘find your place’, not just in the church but in active ministry in a way that fits best with the skills, heartbeat, abilities, passion and life experience God has given you.