WEEK 4 // ‘Kingdom Promises’
Reflection & Discussion Questions
- Watch:
This is our last week of the Haggai series you may want to watch this short recap on the book of Haggai
- Read: Haggai 2:20-23
- Reflect
God is speaking to Zerubbabel in this reading about a future promise of a Kingdom that will be unlike any unjust or painful kingdom that he has known. God will bring about this kingdom through a shaking that cleans out all the brokenness. This new kingdom will be a home for all nations.
As Christians, we call this the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven:
- Questions:
When you think of the kingdom of heaven, what images, thoughts and emotions do you have?
- Read
The only place in the NT that quotes Haggai is Hebrews 12: 18-29; read this passage in light of Haggai.
I recommend the MSG translation for this particular chapter.
- Questions
- Can you articulate the difference between the two mountains in your own words?
- Have you ever been shaken? Either physically or metaphorically? What was that like?
- Reflect
We currently live in a time of the now and not yet. Meaning that we have received the gift of salvation and relationship with God through Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit – through this many things have been made right and good. Yet we know that there is more to come in the form of ultimate peace, end to suffering and a home with God.
- How would you describe the experience of living in the Now and not Yet?
- How does the promise of what’s to come, change your perspective of your life in the now and not yet?
- If you have time:
- What has stood out to you from the book of Haggai or this series?
- What one transformation you’d like Christ to make in your life in light of this book/series?
- Bonus resources from this week:
Pastor Kat’s Slides: Haggai 4 Kingdom promises sermon.pdf
An interesting article on the Now and Not Yet: https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/already-not-yet
WEEK 3 // ‘Kingdom Faithfulness’
Reflection & Discussion Questions
- Read Haggai Chapter 2: 10-19
God sent Haggai and Zechariah to remind them of what they were supposed to be doing. They listened and got busy rebuilding the temple.
But here we are, three months later, and there is a problem. Things weren’t going as well as they seemed. They were working hard like they always did, but their hearts were in the wrong place.
What do we learn from this passage?
First, we learn that God can use our past experiences to help deter others from making the same mistakes.
Second, we learn to trust God’s voice alone.
In keeping with God’s covenant in Deut 28:38-42 where God promised to bless Israel if they obeyed and curse them if they disobeyed. So, He’s saying now, “Look, you’ve been going through some rough times. You haven’t had enough to go around. You’ve been going through hard times, WHY?! because their priorities were wrong. You were putting your needs and yourself first. Put Me first, and I’ll take care of your needs.”
Now as they began to build the temple again and began to give themselves in the labour of the temple, the prophet came and said, “Now look, mark this day. (Take note, remember because it will help you in the future) Things are going to change. From here on out you’re going to have plenty. Now you’ve got your priorities straight. Now you’ve put God in the place where He should be, first in your life. Having put God first, God will now take care of you, and God will now provide for you.”Put God first in your life, and God will take care of the rest of the things of your life. So, despite the people’s faithlessness, the LORD promised to change their situation from curses to blessings. He then ended the third message on a positive note: Yet from this day on, I will bless you (vs. 19). The God of Israel promised to pour out His abundant blessings on His covenant people, turning their crop failure into abundance.
The LORD is truly a gracious God, desiring to bless His people.
So a question: Who has your heart? I mean who really has it? What do you think of first thing in the morning? Where do your affections lie? What has gripped your heart?
We must die to self and rise to Christ every day.
So, Kingdom Faithfulness means being trustworthy, reliable, firm. We have to put Holiness before Service. We need to be obedient and be set apart to do His work. Be faithful as He is faithful. How? By dying to self every day.
WEEK 2 // ‘Kingdom Expectations’
Reflection & Discussion Questions
- Read Haggai Chapter 2: 1-9
- Unpack
This Chapter is set one month after the previous one and explores the return exiles’ struggles as they rebuild the temple. They look back fondly on their ancestor’s temple (the temple of Solomon) and question whether the one they are building will live up to the glory of the previous temple.
Watch this video on Nostalgia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiTgn5QH_HU
- Reflect: Nostalgia
Q1 –Have you ever experienced nostalgia? if so, give one example. Was it a good or bad experience for you?
Q2 – do you ever experience nostalgia for an experience you’ve had in church? if so please share.
- Reflect: God’s House
Q3 – This chapter is all about prioritising building God’s house. For 21st-century Christians, what and where is God’s house? Hint: look to the New Testament John 2:19-22 and Ephesians 2:21–22
Q4 – What does Haggai 1:10-15 and Ephesians 2:21-22 teach us about God’s involvement in building God’s house?
- Unpack
Last week we explored how the new temple was Christ, and now Christ’s presence dwells in and with us, His church. The encouragement for us was to continue building his church, or in other words, prioritise our communal life and worship together. Often like the exiles, we can look back on a past experience of Church with such fondness that we are constantly trying to go back or replicate it, even when our context has changed. It can be easy to become underwhelmed and have lower expectations for the future of our communal life as Christians. However, Haggai is a good reminder that we can’t return to the past, but God has a great promise for the future.
- Read 2: 6-9
Q3 – As you read these passages, what do you see as God’s promise to the church for our communal life?
Q4 – As you think of the whole of scripture, what are some stories of God at work with his world and people that were totally unexpected?
- Unpack
Continue to reflect on the promise of God in Haggai 2:6-9 and all the unexpected ways that god has worked beyond human imagination and capabilities. Recall that in verse 4 of today’s reading Haggai invites us to be part of God’s work:
“ Be strong, all you people of the land,’ declares the Lord, ‘and work. For I am with you,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”
- Reflect and Action
Q5 – Be honest with yourself. Do you have expectations that God can continue to shape and grow the church beyond your own imagination?
Q6 – What do you see as the current blockers to the church living out its call to love God and love neighbour?
- Pray:
Bring these things to God and pray for inspiration on how our community can creatively work around these blockers and create a meaningful communal life as followers of Christ.
WEEK 1 // ‘Kingdom Priorities’
Reflection & Discussion Questions
- Read Haggai Chapter 1
- Unpack
This Chapter explores the struggles of those who return to Judah after the Babylonian exile and their efforts to rebuild. In a time of hardship, they promoted their own needs ahead of the Lord. They remain cold, hungry, and never really flourishing. Although it can be easy to blame the people for putting their own needs ahead of rebuilding the Temple, we know that they do not do so out of a selfish focus on their own luxury; rather, in a time of hardship, they see their own survival as taking precedence.
This is a common occurrence during the difficult times of our lives. We find it easy to withdraw from serving God and serving others, claiming that we need all our resources to meet our own requirements.
- Reflect: Priorities and Hardship
Q1 – Can you think of a time in your life when things have felt really hard, where you’ve felt your own needs take precedence over God’s calling?
Q2 – Do you think that in times of hardship, you have chosen between meeting your own needs and serving God? Being realistic, what does prioritising both look like for you?
- Reflect: God’s House
Q3 – This chapter is all about prioritising building God’s house. For 21st-century Christians, what and where is God’s house? Hint: look to the New Testament John 2:19-22 and Ephesians 2:21–22
Q4 – What does Haggai 1:10-15 and Ephesians 2:21-22 teach us about God’s involvement in building God’s house?
- Unpack
Haggai challenges our priorities and leaves us with is an invitation to join in the community of God’s people here on earth. Whether that is here at BMBC, getting to know and serve the community or being part of another Christian movement, community or organisation.
- Reflect and Action
Q5 – Be honest with yourself, what are you prioritising ahead of being part of God’s community?
Q6 – Be practical now, how will you more fully join in the communal life of God’s people?