Jesus himself was quoted as telling his disciples, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs,” (Matt 19:4) and, “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” (Matt 18:5). We understand the immense privilege and responsibility of working with young people.

Commitment to Child Safety

Beaumaris-Mordialloc Baptist Church is committed to the safety, inclusion, empowerment and participation of all young people and vulnerable adults who interact with our faith community, whether that is for the duration of a single session of one program or for a lifetime. BMBC has a zero-tolerance approach to abuse and the serious harm of children and vulnerable adults, and aims to create a safe, inclusive environment for all, acknowledging that this is the responsibility of all community members, not only those serving in areas involving young people or vulnerable adults. 

All leaders and volunteers across our Children’s, Families and Youth Ministries have been screened and trained for their roles. This extends to all other volunteer and staff leaders who co-ordinate ministry areas or serve on the Leadership Team. 

All leaders are supported with ongoing training and development to ensure all young people at BMBC are safe. Our policies and procedures are regularly reviewed to meet the current needs of the families in our ministries and legal requirements.

Contact our office to see a copy of our Generations Ministry Manual, including all relevant policies and procedures

Safe Church Concerns Person

What is a Safe Church Concerns Person?
A “Safe Church Concerns Person” is appointed by the church to receive all complaints, concerns and queries about abuse & misconduct.
This is a two-fold role: 

  1. this person will assist in the process of reporting abuse to the relevant authorities and 
  2. also be able to provide pastoral care and debriefing with persons who have concerns about abuse and/or misconduct.

Deb Redford is the BMBC Safe Church Concerns person and can be contacted via email if you wish to discuss a safety concern.